Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil

Native Dog Swallows Julia Johnstone

watercolour and pencil on Arches paper 88 x 122cm (framed)


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In ‘Native Dog Swallows Julia Johnstone’, an imprecise Australian native fauna silhouette ‘swallows’ a colonial portrait to create a romantic antipodean anomaly. In this reimagined work I reference two historical images from early Australian artists through a naïve engagement, expressing a nostalgia for a somewhat fictional colonial wonderland. A loose impression of Richard Read Senior’s ‘Portrait of Julia Johnstone’ posed in an arcadian landscape / 1824 is captured within the crisp silhouette of a ‘Native Dog (dingo)’ by T.R. Browne / 1813. The profile of the dingo is sharp, controlled and disconnected from the surrounds. Contained within the silhouette, the landscape is tamed, a flower garden flourishes, a pup stares out and the young woman is outfitted in an azure gown unsuitable for the local climate. This is an incongruous early European vision of Australia, a physical imposition, transplanted.