Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil
Frances Keevil


Wednesday, August 30, 2023 - Sunday, September 10, 2023

Frances Keevil at Studio W - 6 Bourke Street, Woolloomooloo Wed - Sun, 11 am - 6 pm

Sanctuary: a place of refuge, a sacred place. Just as a painting can be a sanctuary, a place to retreat into, the act of painting itself offers sanctuary and something sacred, outside of time and self. These works invite the viewer to venture into the paintings and find their own place of sanctuary. Michael Kelly, 2023